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Feb 28, 2008

Jeffrey converses with Spiritual Educator David Sable the former Director of the Shambhala Meditation Center in Washington D.C. and meditation teacher in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition who shares his special techniques in contemplative meditation.

In 2003 David was awarded a university grant at Saint Mary's University...

Feb 25, 2008

Jeffrey converses with Cheryl Esposito founder of Alexsa Consulting and Center for World Leadership and host of Leading Conversations.

Cheryl has coached CEOs and senior executives for more than twenty years, helping them learn to lead themselves in order to lead others, to help them to increase effectiveness,...

Feb 17, 2008

Jeffrey converses with James Gilliland, featured in the documentary "Contact Has Begun" which boasts remarkable footage of the numerous UFO encounters above Mt. Adams and over the Sattva Sanctuary, a 70 acre retreat center in Trout Lake Washington.

James has appeared on Coast to Coast AM Show with Art Bell, and has...

Feb 16, 2008

Jeffrey converses with James Gilliland, featured in the documentary "Contact Has Begun" which boasts remarkable footage of the numerous UFO encounters above Mt. Adams and over the Sattva Sanctuary, a 70 acre retreat center in Trout Lake Washington.

James has appeared on Coast to Coast AM Show with Art Bell, and has been...

Feb 13, 2008

Jeffrey's scintillating conversation with author and investigative journalist Lynn McTaggart, about the science of spirituality.

Award winning author of 5 books, including the best selling The Field, which has been published in 14 languages and is a leading source book on Quantum Physics

Lynn appeared in What the...